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Employable in Many Industries Continued Education is Required to Keep Up With Technology

Technology is rapidly changing the job market. Will your dream job still be around in ten years' time? What skills are employers currently on the hunt for?

Technology. Whether you find that you embrace every new update, or struggle to keep up with the changes, it's effect on our day-to-day lives is unmistakable. Recent technological developments are vastly changing the way we live, and in particular, the way we work.

With the job market a competitive and ever-evolving arena, determining your career path is more than just following your passions and skills, it's about being adaptive in this digital age and understanding what skills and jobs are in high demand, and which are facing potential extinction.

It's important to try not feel disorientated or uncomfortable with these rapid changes, but instead, change your mindset and embrace the opportunities technology brings, through focusing on the right skills to increase your employability and succeed in the new tech-savvy work scene.

Error 404, That Job No Longer Exists

Although technological innovation offers many new and exciting opportunities and career paths, there is also the downside of careers becoming obsolete, leaving people without a job. This is not a recent issue either, we've experienced years of machines replacing muscle power as the routine, autonomous tasks are taken over by technology.

With the internet serving a plethora of information, jobs like the traditional travel agent have been almost wiped out entirely in favour of online websites that allow us to find the cheapest deals for flights and accommodation with just a click of a button.

We are seeing an increase in 'self-service' with grocery store check-outs and airport check-ins opting for automation over employees. It's these entry-level and part-time jobs where we are seeing technological systems making the greatest impact.

We've also witnessed other societal issues emerging, such as businesses going bust with technology replacing products. Remember going down to the local video store to rent a few DVDs? Or when libraries were a place people actually went to rent a book? In order to keep up to date with the latest trends in IT, businesses are beginning to embrace technology in recruitment, operations, marketing, and production.

With new IT commodities like Netflix, iTunes, and eBooks, products are moving from the tangible to the digital at an alarming rate, causing numerous stores to go out of business. Newspapers and magazines are struggling to sell copies, with many people preferring to use their iPhone or tablet to get the latest headlines and gossip. The music industry has also taken a hit, with the amount of illegal piracy that goes on, resulting in a dramatic decrease in compact disc sales.

Geeks Wanted

Job opportunities in technology are growing much faster than other career fields, with the need to keep up with machines being an ever-present influence. Apprenticeships in IT as well as more females taking up careers in Information Technology and Engineering are also rising trends in the industry, providing a plethora of opportunities to those entering it for the first time.

So what careers are currently in high demand or expected to boom in coming years?

IT Architecture (Information Technology Programming)

IT Architecture refers to the ability to design and deliver valuable technology strategy, leading to solution-specific business problems through IT. This role is in high demand as companies are always trying to get ahead of the market and reinvent themselves through technology-driven projects. If you're considering entering this evolving industry, there are plenty of IT courses available that cover all areas of interest.

Programming/Application Development

It makes perfect sense that programmers are in demand with the huge impact technology has on business. Programmers and developers are highly sought after with their digital prowess.

Project Management

With spending on technology increasing every year, it makes sense that project management remains a highly sought-after skill, as more spending means more projects, which in turn means more people required to manage these projects. A Certificate IV in Project Management, or a Diploma of Project Management if you want to refine your existing skills, are great ways to enter the successful world of Project Management.

Database Administration/ Web Development

The surge in using data to drive business has pushed demand for in-depth data skills as the new levels of data integration and analytics will require many new skills to take advantage of new opportunities. It's a great industry to enter if you're looking to create a successful career in an industry that's most likely going to keep growing.

Click here if you would like to explore more job outcomes a career in technology has on offer.

Now let's take a look at what industries and jobs are going to be the most hurt by the recent technology boom, not just now, but in the future too.

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There's An App For That

With all of these technological advancements, what skills and careers could be deemed irrelevant in years to come?

This is probably the most obvious example of a job becoming obsolete due to new tech. Human cashiers are being replaced by the more convenient self-scan checkout terminals in large retail stores across the globe.

With the increased use of smartphones, equipped with high-quality cameras, it is hard to compete as a professional photographer in this day and age, especially with the many photo editing applications now on the market.

Many of today's telemarketers are not actually human; they are often just a recording that plays out. Future trends see a further decrease in real people working in call centers to cut costs.

Much like travel agents, these jobs are being taken over by the internet with many online services that provide a comprehensive search of all available properties and details of the neighbourhood.

With accounting software becoming more consumer-friendly, many businesses will prefer to automate their accounting needs as a cheaper alternative. If you want to enter this industry, you should look into studying programs such as MYOB and XERO.

With the many tools available for website creation, anyone with a fresh idea is able to create a high-quality website. Being able to compete in the marketplace without having to invest in computer hardware or designer services is one of the greatest advantages of tech.

Don't fret! It's not all bad! For every story of technology heavily altering or eliminating a job, there is a matching story of success thanks to digitisation.

Reinventing the Wheel

Many jobs have not been lost but reinvented, reshaped, or renewed due to technological advancements.

Although local farmers and small businesses cannot compete with corporate prices and their tech-driven strategies, they can offer a higher quality product or service and provide a personal touch that separates them from these big players. Many new small businesses are benefitting from learning how to use programs and software that can be implemented easily, and remain competitive in this technology-dominated period.

Advertisers are embracing the old with the new; looking beyond the traditional forms of media in favour of digital advertising to get their message out. The social media scene has boomed in recent years, with new jobs emerging including social influences, who use their high following to promote a product or service on platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat.

With 40 million monthly active riders, Uber, the transportation mobile app, is just one example of how mobile applications are shaking up the market. The taxi industry- previously without competition- has been forced to improve availability and service, or face possible extinction. the threat of Uber's cheaper, more accessible ways to get around is only going to increase its popularity.

Levelling Up

So how can we take these technological advancements and use them to our advantage?

  • Digital literacy alone may not be enough to impress potential employers. Recruiters are looking for that sweet spot, where technology, creativity and communication combine. It's one thing to be able to work a computer; another to work the room, and it's those who possess both skills that will be the first to receive job offers.
  • Have an entrepreneur mindset. Starting your own business can be very rewarding, and those with the creativity and finesse to turn a great idea into a business venture are advantaged by the many tools that are now on offer. From easy website builders to the use of social media to get the message out. The key is filling a need in the modern economy through innovation.
  • Creativity is a skill not yet lost in the business environment as machines can only do so much. The ability to think outside the box and create interesting concepts and designs is still a valued skill.
  • It's also important to build cognitive dexterity, being able to adapt to unique and complicated problems and deal with issues as they arise will always be highly regarded in any business environment.
  • Many emotive occupations like counsellors and therapists aren't easy to substitute with technology, and so, are still required in the job market. Even just simply having sound interpersonal and communication skills are important, as machines are not able to connect emotionally as well as humans can.
  • Employers want to see people who have strong change management, that can keep up with any changes happening in the industry. Those that are quick decision makers who have the right mindset to adapt to the ever-changing work landscape will be highly employable in years to come.

There's An Update Available

So whether you're currently employed, studying, or looking for work, it's important that you factor in the impact technology has or will have in your career path. With technology continuing to restructure the world's education and workplace landscapes, it is wise to make an effort to keep up with these changes and learn new skills to prepare for the future. To be successful in this modern world, we must adapt and embrace technology, as well as possess skills that employers are going to look favourably upon.

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