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What Can I Do About My Baby's Decalcified Front Tooth

Decalcification in front teeth of my 20 calendar month old Dentists/ whatever with experience PLEASE aid!

(sixteen Posts)

joymaker Fri 07-Mar-14 ten:41:30

I noticed white patches on the front of my kid s teeth a few months ago and thought information technology might be due to insufficient calcium so I simply increased the corporeality of calcium in his diet, lilliputian did I know that it was such a serious problem.

I have been so so worried about 4 of his upper front teeth (some accept gone brown at the top of the tooth and now i has started to crumble away) When I took him for his appointment last week my dentist said DS2 was suffering from a procedure called decalcification.

Again now, on one of his lower front teeth I can see a white spot. The deterioration (Information technology all) seems to exist happening and then rapidly. I'thou now so ridiculously scared even to give him fruit I tin can't tell y'all how Sorry distressing sad I am.

I've been told to utilise adult toothpaste if I tin can on his teeth but afterward some cyberspace research wondered whether the GC MI toothpastes such as this could exist better and whether they are safe to employ for such a young kid. I've besides heard that cod liver oil tin can help is it true? Is in that location anything proven to be better 'out there'?

I would really capeesh some advice as to how to treat or even deadening down the process of decalcification until his referral appointment to the hospital dentist comes effectually.


lollipoppi Fri 07-Mar-fourteen 13:17:42

So sorry I've no advise but bumping for you.

Mayhap effort posting under childrens health?

inthetide Fri 07-Mar-fourteen 14:16:50

I've come up across [[ this] recently re. Remineralisation and also, does your ds have a lip tie? This is where the picayune flake of skin that attaches the upper lip to the gums is lower than normal. If he had a hard time flaring his lip when breastfeeding this might exist the instance, or if his front teeth are separated. Have a check, because this is linked to poor saliva catamenia over the front end teeth and increases the risk of disuse there. You can inquire to get it cut via your gp I think.

joymaker Friday 07-Mar-14 17:27:24

Cheers both.
lolli posted there showtime simply no advice as of notwithstanding.

inthetide thanks for the toothpaste link shall take a look at it now.

DS2 has a slight gap between his teeth but null excessive. I e'er have idea he doesn't evidence his upper tiptop teeth very much (and it is e'er much harder to get at these teeth when brushing and he cries a lot merely I persist) I am going to bank check with GP re lip tie to rule this out cheers for mentioning it.

Mrsmorton Friday 07-Mar-14 18:18:47

Almost 100% of the fourth dimension, teeth demineralise because they aren't being cleaned properly and the plaque makes acid which affects the teeth.

Dietary calcium cannot get to erupted teeth, but those which are even so forming within the jaw bone. Fluoride will stop the demineralisation and normal adult toothpaste is fine, yous don't need anything special.

Snowshades Friday 07-Mar-14 19:59:32

How old is he? Was he premature? Low birth weight?

joymaker Sat 08-Mar-14 08:29:xiii

Snowshades He's 20 months, he was full term ( at 39wks iv days). Opposite to being low birth weight he was 12lb 5oz at birth (his father was of even college birth weight, was a slim kid and is a slim 6ft human being)

joymaker Sat 08-Mar-14 08:43:xxx

Snowshades I forgot to add that I took a pregnancy multivitamin throughout.

DC1, nearly 4, has the same healthy diet and practiced oral hygiene equally DC2 and has perfect teeth.

Snowshades Sat 08-Mar-14 08:56:46

I asked because DS had the same affair and had to have teeth removed equally they crumbled away, but he was only 4.5 lb fifty-fifty though 37.5 weeks considering of IUGR where the placenta didn't let calcium to get through to him.

Thought I'd just ask because I felt so guilty and the twatty dentist said it was because I did extended breast feeding but information technology turned out to exist enamel hypoplasia and unavoidable.

I recollect you can remineralise his teeth. Fluoride is supposed to be useful and reducing all the risks like fruit juices and sweet things which you already know.

Nosotros were referred to the dental hospital too and the teeth removed nether GA. DS due south teeth crumbled away just similar your boy and again horrifyingly fast and around the same historic period. sad. We are withal pending for some big teeth and await braces will be needed. Bank check with a pharmacist almost using fluoride and cod liver oil etc equally they are amend qualified than dentists to advise on pharmaceutical things.

Snowshades Sat 08-Mar-14 08:57:52

10 posted! I'm sure from all that information technology'due south post nascency y'all've had your problems and are merely unlucky, some kids just have more susceptible teeth.

joymaker Sat 08-Mar-14 14:28:43

SnowI didn't doubt that your questions were relevant smile Thanks so much for taking the fourth dimension to share your experience with me. I fear what yous say may be the case and I have been giving him the daily fluoride tablet the dentist prescribed, I suppose I just feel a bit helpless and that I should be doing more than/ exist able to make it disappear. Giddy really.

How is your son now? Do you expect braces considering they removed a tooth? I hope all of his permanent teeth will not be affected thanks

mygrandchildrenrock Sat 08-Mar-xiv 14:55:44

1 of my daughters is a dentist, and every Fri she operates on little children who need teeth taking out. They are usually not traumatised at all by it, even if their parents are!
I will speak to her subsequently today, and post over again.

joymaker Sabbatum 08-Mar-14 xvi:04:29

I would really appreciate that mygrandchildrenrock I'm wondering in what instances information technology it necessary to remove teeth. The one that is starting to crumble isn't affected at the tiptop.

Snowshades Sabbatum 08-Mar-fourteen 16:15:31

Past the time we got to the dental hospital some teeth had literally crumbled to stumps and they got DS under the anaesthetic and had a actually proficient look and took eight teeth out altogether from the superlative and the bottom. More we thought sad

He was not xrayed but they said the other baby teeth looked ok which was a good sign for the big teeth. The baby teeth calcium is laid downwards in the womb so the crap placenta was to blame I'm sure, though I didn't take any vitamins and I hate milk. I ate yoghurts and cheese and normally I'm sure things would have been fine.

We're expecting braces because of all the gaps but it can't be helped.

Ours is a bit of a horror story but I thought if your DS was prem and information technology hadn't been explained to you, y'all were feeling guilty for something out of your command. Call up my DS was almost a tertiary of the weight of your DS and minor for a reason, which is why his instance is so extreme. I am sure your DS won't need anything like this and then attempt non to worry. I think its possible to remineralise and so they could just end up a niggling discoloured which is nothing. My DS is used to chewing food at the back of his rima oris and isn't in the slightest scrap bothered, and we are merely used to a glutinous smile grin

joymaker Sun 09-Mar-14 00:07:28

Gosh Snow you sound like you've really been through it! You must be very relieved that he is happy and well and that these issues are largely resolved smile

PurpleSproutingBroccoli on my thread in children'southward wellness said her dd'south permanent teeth (subsequently babe teeth decalcification) were very strong with no fillings fifty-fifty now at fifteen yo which is very reassuring.

mygrandchildrenrock Sabbatum 05-Apr-14 23:36:22

Pitiful for the long delay in replying!
Dentist DD says teeth are normally only taken out if they are causing pain or infection. If non, dentists can regularly monitor.
Other posts are right to say dietary calcium/vitamins won't help already adult teeth. (However tin do good still forming developed teeth)
DD has not heard annihilation about cod liver oil being beneficial. You lot should use adult toothpaste on your child. If you're worried about them having too much fluoride, but use a tiny amount twice a day. Nigh important diet advice is to non use a bottle, and avert pure fruit juice/smoothies. Whole fruit is fine, don't worry nearly giving your petty one fruit to consume, only avoid dried fruit such as raisins etc. every bit these are high in sugar.
Milk or water is best for drinks. DD hopes that the teeth don't injure however reassures me that the little ones she sees for teeth extractions at the hospital are e'er fine afterwards. Don't worry likewise much.

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What Can I Do About My Baby's Decalcified Front Tooth
