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Fire Emblem I Shall Never Smile Again

Function 78: Boxing: Shadow Dragon

Finale: Shadow Dragon (Battle)

Well, approximate this is the last time we'll exist doing this. Information technology was a adept run, just information technology's got to end this fourth dimension. This map, it ends with slow advancing through a room full of hell dragons. One part of that sounds fairly exciting, at to the lowest degree.

And now, the last How's Anybody:

What a mode to become out. Goodnight, sweet How'due south Everyone. You lot were fun.

Now, to be fair to Marth, Medeus didn't always expect like that. The purple? Fairly new.

: With the princesses around him, sire, you'll be unable to strike down Medeus. If we don't do something presently, then the other dragons will awaken, and this boxing will quickly escalate into commotion.

Jagen is correct on 2 fronts here. If you lot kill Medeus with one of the Bishops still alive, he will eat them and regain full HP. They office as actress lives.

Also, unlimited reinforcements on this map. And they're, as far every bit I know, almost totally randomized. Welcome to the dragon pit.

: And then, what do y'all suppose I do? How on earth can nosotros save them?! Tell me, Jagen!

It's alright, Jagen always knows.

Oh we are in some deep shit.

: Just, if nosotros are to defeat Medeus, we must cease at null…

: What?! ...Yous can't hateful to impale them?!

: It may exist... necessary. As they are now, they suffer greatly. We must save them, fifty-fifty if it should toll them their lives...

: You are Altea's crown prince, sire. A ruler must be fix for anything, though it may cost them their happiness. That is all.

This moment is a lot more sobering if you don't know yous can save these characters, but the game makes it pretty clear.

: Plenty, Jagen. I understand. Still, I cannot have it. There must be another way. Even till the very end, I volition never give upwards!!

: Please, I beg of you... Please notice a way to save them.

How is this on Steve?

: Understood. I volition try my best. Only if the occasion should arise... Even if Prince Marth himself refuses, I shall release them from their misery... Merely for now... I don't want to think about it. I still want to hope.

: Steve…

We beginning with a celebratory flash of the Emblem…

And all the Earth Dragons fade out of existence. Go on in mind this always happens at the start of our plough. So, on whatsoever difficulties higher up Normal, these guys can get one move in if they spawn equally reinforcements.

Starting off, I want to try and establish a wall of guys here. There are way too many dragons hither to kill aggressively and keep everyone alive. I'1000 using a stall tactic here to thin the numbers before I go closer. This also keeps Julian/Sirius/etc. from being i-shot while I move up.

I used this merely in case he gets attacked by a Mage Dragon. Information technology's the Terminal Chapter, I can exist wasteful as hell!

And the Dragons are incoming.

These guys are surprisingly fast, Steve and Luke can't double them.

Oh, the clerics have long range healing staves also.

Several of them. This is a war of attrition.

Turn ii and already an absolute fuckload of Dragons bearing down on united states of america.

Barst advances and does what he does best.

Luke softens up his dragon too.

Fortify is pretty key to this strategy. That or a shitton of Free energy Drinks/Elixirs.

Fourth dimension to show off the Gradivus. Catria Can double these jokers.

Might too do this.

Then, here's a reference. I need Julian to get at least hither before he can get to Lena and talk to her in a turn. Otherwise he'll get obliterated. I demand to start pushing up a piffling eventually.

And hither are the reinforcements.

From Turn 2 on, ane-four Dragons of whatever type will spawn in this piffling circle around Medeus. This is a style bigger bargain on annihilation over Normal, because they tin movement on their turn, so you can't really prepare well for them.

This whole map is basically..

Our best units…

Doing flake damage to Dragons.

For all eternity. Or but wiping them out like Luke here.

I practise want to exist careful here though, these guys can do a lot of damage, so if I get too many lucky crits, like Luke was, someone could die only from beingness far too good at Dragon owning.

Like Marth here! Well done, Marth!

Too well done, Marth!

Oof. I'k going to accept to be a petty offensive here too.

Likewise, one of those reinforcements was an Earth Dragon, so he gets deleted on the start of the Actor turn.

Paw Axe keeps Barst out of danger, but still lets him chew away at some of the dragons.

Oh, and at that place's this. At least all these guys simply have 1 range. Good affair the game would never do something like give them 2.

just a LUNATIC would do something that shitty.

Steve gets a pretty sweet crit right off the bat.

This may be Steve's terminal level. Cherish it.

I honey this stupid thing.

I have revoked Luke'south weapon privileges for existence too crittastic for life.

If you peek betwixt the Y and P there, y'all can see turn three's Reinforcement, a Magic Dragon.

Barst, exist careful with that.

That works.

The Mage Dragon opens his dumb oral fissure to giggle at the unarmed green pilus human. Truly this is a dramatic fight for the fate of the world.

Ow. Resistance would exist nice.

Ogma takes no damage, gives no fucks.

Gets i Skill.

Another dodge results in this dramatic standoff.

Physics and Fortifies from afar make our fleck impairment still pretty negligible.

No more fuckin' around, bringing out the Falchion.

Gradivus brings down another Mage Dragon.

The Dragons are starting to thin…

Barst, expert thinning assistant.

I probably shouldn't have done this, because I would have had to have Merric heal Steve if she got hitting. She didn't, though.

So I can practice this.

Minerva wanted to help. She didn't, but information technology was a decent effort.

Bad luck this turn, four Dragons on Turn iv.

One more down.

Still holding these Fire Dragons off.

Well, barely.

These Mage Dragons just detest poor Luke.

Ogma hits hard enough to have this guy out. He'due south really proving himself in this last map.

Non as well bad of a level either. Non that it actually matters now.

Okay, fourth dimension to push forward. Merric tin can bargain with the Ice Dragon.

Ogma closes off the corner while finishing off the leftmost Fire Dragon that went for Steve.

Our resident Swordmaster doubles a dragon here.

Basically, I'k trying to course another wall here, simply in case of a surprise Wyvern.

But I'm doing that while moving everyone frontwards, thankfully the enemies are in position for that.

I lied this might be the terminal Steve level.

Oh, someone gets to apply a consumable detail this map.

Another pro Fortify. Too, notation that Julian is tucked safely away from harm, but however close enough to talk to Lena.

A Fire Dragon and a Wyvern this turn. Also an World Dragon, but he'southward slightly offscreen to the left there, and too far away to hurt anyone.

Navarre makes that the shortest lived Fire Dragon in the universe.

And and then the shortest lived Wyvern.

That went...really well.

Adieu bye, Earth Dragon.

Okay, and so since slow-donkey Merric can't accomplish Elice in one plow from that position, I need to move up a piddling farther.

Behold the new wall of people. Conspicuously I accept not fucked anything horribly up in this screenshot.

Turn 6, a Burn down Dragon.

And an Earth Dragon. Wait, don't Globe Dragons…

take 2 range

OH HOLY FUCK that was the luckiest dodge.


Begone, hellspawn. Fuck off into the ether.

And now this guy's in Merric's way.

Nababble makes his terminal motility and takes intendance of business.

You lot done good, onetime pal.

And now, the rescues brainstorm.

: I was as well foolish... I hurt Hardin... I drove him to despair.

That wasn't actually your fault.

: My queen... Prince Marth has ended Hardin's suffering. The Emperor loved you till the very end. He was sorry for what he'd done to y'all. It's alright now. You demand not worry. It was all just a bad dream...

: …… Who?

No, that'southward dumb. You're dumb.

: Why... Why are you lot... This is a dream, isn't it?

: Nngh! ...My queen... You are mistaken... I am Sirius, a soldier of the allied forces. I know non of this Camus...

: Sirius...?! ...Information technology tin't be... No! You're wrong!! You're...

: Please, at-home yourself; y'all must be exhausted. I must depart soon. Queen Nyna, listen to me... You should caput to Prince Marth.

: You... Where are you going?

: I must get to my land. At that place's... someone waiting for me.

: Is... Is that so...? I come across... Sirius... Thank you. I am almost grateful.

: ...Forgive me…

: Pardon…?!

: No… It is zero… Now, Queen Nyna; go!

And then attacking Medeus with Sirius would be a...poor decision.

All four Bishops have growth rates and stats like everyone else, so they are technically full fledged characters. You but have them for this affiliate though, so I'thousand not going to go in depth with all of them. Basically, they're extra staff uses if you demand them. They can all use Rescue, so if you need to take more than than ane turn to kill Medeus and one of the talking units can't survive, those are handy. However, reinforcements could yet fuck y'all over. It's best to practise all this in ane turn if at all possible.

Number ii!

: I know I'm a expert-for-cipher scoundrel, but for you lot, I'd do anything. I don't want anything else-- I but want to see your smile once again. Hey, Lena; could y'all smile for me? Delight...

(Besides y'all cannot use Matthis to save his sister, because Matthis is a massive fucker forever)

: Oh... Julian...? You came. I knew you'd find me. I knew it. That's why, I could continue struggling in the darkness of my soul... Julian, I'm sorry. I've ever been a bother to y'all.

: Are you kiddin' me, Lena...? I'one thousand just happy to hear your voice again.

: Julian, there'southward something I'd similar very much. Will you mind?

: Huh? Sure, Lena, hit me. So long as it's within my ability...

: Could you phone call me... "dear"? You're e'er "Lena" this and "Lena" that. Y'all speak as though nosotros're barely friends-- and I don't like that feeling. That just won't do, especially non subsequently we settle down together in Macedon.

: Huh? ...What're yous talking nearly, Lena...? Er... I hateful... H-dearest... Don't tell you and I are gonna...

: Uh-huh... I'm sure God will forgive me. Afterwards all, you lot... Y'all mean the world to me.

Please do not have premarital sex in front of the Shadow Dragon.

: Unh... Ah... Minerva... A-ahhhhhh! Medeus is...

: Shh. It's alright now. Everything's going to be okay. I'm so deplorable, Maria. I've left you solitary for so long...

: Minerva... I was scared... I was so scared... Oh! How is Michalis? I think he fought Gharnef to save me.

: Michalis... is fine. Don't worry, Maria.

The dialogue here kind of implies Michalis is dead, which makes sense in the original game or if you didn't know about his weirdass recruitment.

: Really? Then, once we go home, we'll be together once again just like before? I'm so glad, Minerva! Oh, I promise we tin can see him shortly.

: Maria...

Finally, the sorcerer crush.

: Princess Elice! It's me, Merric. Snap out out of it! I--I studied magic ferociously, all and then that I could protect you... I'g sad... I failed. I couldn't be by your side, when y'all needed me most. Elice... Delight. Delight open up your eyes!

: Merric...? ...Ah! Oh, Merric! Assist me... Gharnef is... I'm so frightened... Delight help me!

: Elice! Thank goodness, you lot've come back! It's alright now. I'm here, so... Oh... just Prince Marth is... Anybody'south watching, so we tin can't... Oh well... *ahem*

"Jagen is here. This is awkward."

: Elice, I'll never go out your side over again. No affair what may come betwixt u.s.... Never again shall I abandon you!

Finally, someone who tin can go for the big guy and non get eviscerated.

Reign of Despair, Medeus' Theme

Medeus has a really cool boxing model, although if you look, you can tell that the wings are just part of the background.

In one case you lot save all the Bishops, this dialogue triggers.

: Your kindness has saved their souls.

Information technology was literally 4 people, none of them Marth.

: Give thanks goodness. I'grand too happy for words. I suppose some battles require cede... Simply that matters not... I won't surrender--non now, non ever! Together, nosotros will win this boxing!

: Shadow Dragon Medeus! Now, nothing stands between this blade and you. Come, let's settle this!

Fourth dimension to go dragonslayin'

Get all the Bishops the hell out of at that place.

That'southward the power of the Falchion, it absolutely shreds Medeus.


: No matter how many times yous return, mankind will never give up! This long battle... I volition finish it here, one time and for all!

Marth does some serious damage to the Shadow Dragon.

I could just use Malicia'southward Again Staff on Marth to finish him off, only…

A few more of our heroes need a shot at this guy.

And only 1 person can Actually finish the job.



And Medeus fades abroad.

Until there'southward nothing left just the XP.

I believe my feelings take been fabricated clear at this betoken.


And that'due south how things stop.

Next time:

Catastrophe: Hero Of Shadow
